One company to look out for this year in stocks is YELP. Yelp has doubled over the last year and is predicted to do the same this year . It is listed outperform on many sites and also beat the Zacks Consensus Estimate on several of their predictions. It has a P/E ratio of 8.41 and a Volume (avg) 2.47M . The company is considered to be separate from most media websites because its focus is on connecting people to local businesses. This is one stock to defiantly watch.
Price 59.42
52 week range 49.11-101.75
Thank you for the stock tip! I will be using this in my post.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the tip. The company's stocks also seems to have fallen recently so it could be going up soon. It seems like this company could be a smart investment.
ReplyDeleteI am very excited about YELP. I dont really know what it is, but I'm excited! VERY EXCITED! I'll be sure to use your stock tip. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the tip, this looks like a great stock to invest in.
ReplyDeleteI really appreciate the help. Thanks for the tip. I will be using this in my blog post.
ReplyDeleteHey, I use yelp all the time. Who know, might even be better than trip advisor. Maybe I'll think about doing some investments in yelp sometime soon.
ReplyDeleteI will think about investing in this company because I have some money left. Thank you for the helpful stock tip.